Jumat, 26 Juni 2015

Last Assignment

Roasted Shrimp

Materials :
       ·         1 teaspoon of lemon juice
       ·         1 teaspoon of salt
       ·         1 tomato (cut into pieces)
       ·         400 grams of jerbung shrimp (cut off the back, and remove the head)
       ·         1/4 teaspoon of ground pepper
       ·         3 large of red chilies (intact, burn, and cut into pieces)
       ·         3 cloves of garlic (bake, and halve)
       ·         6 red onions (bake, and halve)
       ·         3 stalks of lemongrass (take the white, and slice oblique)
       ·         3 sprigs of basil leaves
       ·         Banana leaves for wrapping

1.Marinate shrimp with salt, lime juice, and pepper.
2.Add lemongrass, red onion, red pepper, basil, garlic, and tomatoes. Stir well. Let stand 15 minutes.
3.Wrap with banana leaves. Form into Tum shape.
4.Steam in 25 minutes and stay for over medium heat until cooked.

Corn Patty
  • 150 grams of wheat flour
  • 2 medium sweet corn
  • 4 eggs
  • 1,5 teaspoon of Salt
  • 3 red onion
  • 2 cloves of medium garlic
  • ¼ teaspoon of black pepper
  • ¼ tablespoon of sugar
  • Frying oil
  • 3 red chili

  1. First, you blend the red chili, garlic, onion together.
  2. Put the sweet corn with flour, and the eggs in a bowl. Give a little water and blended seasoning that you mixed before.
  3. Give the black pepper, sugar and the salt into the corn.
  4. Heat the frying oil in frying pan.
  5. Fry the corn until it become golden.
  6. And your corn patty are ready to be eaten

To The Beach
            Last Sunday, Mr.Deny and his students went to the beach. They went to Pangandaran, in Ciamis Regency. They went to Pangandaran by bus. On the way to Pangandaran they were happy. They sang together.
            In Pangandaran the sun was shining brightly. The wind was blowing gently. The waves, were running. They always broke in the sand. Some students were swimming in the shallow water. Some children were playing football on the sand. Others were siting on the mat under the trees shadow. Mr.Deny was siting under the coconut tree. He was watching his students. They enjoyed the beauty of the beach. The afternoon, they went home. The students looked tired, but they were happy.
(Sumber : Lateva, Buku Pengayaan B.Inggris Kelas 6)

Traditional Dances
            Indonesia is a unique country. It has a lot of islands and every island divided into more than two provinces. Every province has many cultures, so Indonesia has a lot of different culture.
            On of the cultureis the traditional dances. For examples Central Java has Gambyong, Srimpi, Golek, and Bondan Dance. East Java has Ngremo and Ludruk. Bali has Janger, Pendet, Legong, and Kecak. Minahasa has Maengket. And there are many other dances. So Indonesia can be called a rich country.
(Sumber : Lateva, Buku Pengayaan B.Inggris Kelas 6)

Short Conversation
Susi                 : Excuse me, Ma’am. May I borrow a book?
Librarian          : Certainly, do you have a library card?
Susi                 : No, I do not have.
    Librarian          : Look at the instruction on this card. It tells you on how to borrow books from this library.
Susi                 : All right. I will make a member card.
Librarian          : That’s right! After that you can borrow more than one book.
Susi                 : Thank you Ma’am.
(Sumber : Lateva, Buku Pengayaan B.Inggris Kelas 6)

Kamis, 04 Juni 2015


1. What is relative clauses! explain and find a passage then you determine its relative clause! underline
Answere :
Relative Clause adalah bagian dari kalimat (anak kalimat) yang memberi keterangan pada orang atau benda yang mendahuluinya. Istilah Relative Clause sama dengan Adjective Clause. Disebut Adjective Clause karena dia menerangkan benda atau orang yang mendahuluinya. Disebut Relative Clause karena dia menghubungkan (me-relate) benda atau orang tersebut dengan frasa di belakangnya. Relative Clause diawali dengan kata penghubung who, whom, whose, which, that.
The relative pronouns are:
Who: menerangkan orang sebagai subject (he, she, we, they)
Whom: menerangkan kan orang sebagai object (menggantikan me, you, us, him, her, them, it) 
Whose:menerangkan orang sebagai pemilik (menggantikan my, your, our, his, her, their, its)
Which: menerangkan benda sebagai subject maupun object
That: menerangkan orang atau benda baik sebagai subject maupun object

Examples :

1. The pilot gave us some cake. He caught a lot of cake.
--The pilot who caught a lot of cake gave us some. (subjek)
2. The farmer was away on holiday. I wanted to see him.
--The farmer whom I wanted to see was away on holiday. (objek)
3. The woman asked me. Her car was lost. 
--The woman whose care was lost asked me. (pemilik)

2. What is conditional sentences! How many types of conditional sentences are there ? make examples (min 5) for each type!

Answere :
Conditional Sentences menurut rumus dan fungsinya dibagi menjadi 3 type, yaitu type 1, type 2, dan type 3. Conditional sentences itu sendiri berarti gabungan 2 kalimat dimana salah satunya adalah kalimat syarat, dan yang lainnya adalah akibat dari syarat tersebut.
Misalnya jika nanti hasil ujian saya bernilai A maka saya akan mentraktir teman-teman saya. Jika syarat nilai saya A maka saya harus mentraktir teman-teman saya. Jika saya tidak mendapat nilai A maka saya tidak akan mentraktir. Oleh karena itu harus selalu ada kata IF.

Examples :
1. Type 1
    If I study, I will pass the exam.

2. Type 2
    If I studied, I would pass the exam.

3. Type 3
    If I had studied, I would have passed the exam.

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