Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Tugas 3 - Conversation

Gita: good morning
Dwi: good morning. Can I help you? (dwi asked gita to helped his)
Gita: yes, you can. I will meet with your manager. (gita said that she would met dwi’s manager)
Dwi: oh, I’m manager in here. What’s wrong with you?  (dwi said that she was manager in there)
Gita: last night, I call to ordered birthday cake in this shop. But you gave it so different. (she said that she ordered birthday cake in that shop but she received it so different)
Dwi: oh, I’m sorry sister for the inconvenience. I will change it by a new cake. (she felt regret and she said that she would changed it)
Gita: okay, thanks a lot

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

tulisan 3

Quoted speech adalah suatu kalimat perkataan yang diucapkan kembali atas perkataan yang telah diucapkan oleh seseorang.
Quoted speech bisa juga disebut Direct speech.
Quoted speech biasa ditandai dengan dua tanda kutip (“...”).
Contoh :
She said, "Today's lesson is on presentations."
"Today's lesson is on presentations," she said.

Reported speech adalah  suatu kalimat perkataan masa lampau yang dinyatakan kembali pada saat sekarang. Oleh karena itu dalam reported speech biasanya tenses akan berubah.
Reported speech tidak menggunakan dua tanda kutip (“...”) untuk menyatakan kalimatnya.
Contoh :
“I’m going to the cinema”, he said.   à        He said he was going to the cinema.